Refined By FIRE - Financial Independence Retire Early

 The Journey to Financial Freedom

Get Out of Debt | Save | Invest | Build Lasting Wealth

Hello! I’m Mr. Refined, a financial enthusiast, young professional, and single dad on a journey to escape the rat race of waking up > to go to work > to pay bills > to go to sleep > to repeat. Do you ever feel that life was meant for so much more?

My goal is to help you build a fulfilling, awesome life of impact as you move to financial independence. Imagine a life where you get up in the morning at your own pace and use the gifts that you have been given on things that you care about in an environment that fits your values. Imagine living out life’s true calling with the drive, energy, and time to execute your true purpose, and achieve fulfillment.

I’ve helped tens of thousands of people with career, money, business, parenting, and success and I’d like to help you too. You’re not in this alone! Join a tribe of like-minded friends on a journey to concur these and the rest of life’s challenges head-on and take control of your financial future.

Escape the 9-5 Rat Race and Retire Early

Establish Multiple Streams of Passive Income

Build your Perpetual Money-Making Machine



The Cheat Code to Life For The Middle Class

Financial Independence | The New American Dream

– A New Paradigm for Building Wealth –

It is hard to win when you don’t know the rules of the game

Tim Farris registered for the Chinese national kickboxing championship on a dare. The competition was four weeks later. He defeated all of his opponents and won the title of the Chinese National Kickboxing Champion with only four weeks of training. If you are anything like me, you are wondering, how did he do that? He did not have more training than the other competitors. Some of the competitors had been training their whole lives. Could he be the best kicker and puncher ever to compete in the east? Unlikely. Perhaps the best physical discipline and condition… you remember the part about four weeks of training, right?

So, how on earth did he join and win the title of Chinese National Kickboxing Champion with four weeks of preparation? Simple, he did it the same way that thousands of Americans are now winning with their money and retiring from corporate America in their 30s.

The Rules of the Game

He studied the rules of the game. He simply found a couple of opportunities to succeed built into the rules of the game that he could exploit to his advantage. They were there in plain sight for anyone to see but no one was exploiting these techniques. Everyone else in the completion was trying to fit in more than win. They were trying to honor traditional knowledge and form not winning by any means the rules allow.

Tim won by exploiting two little-recognized rules. The first was that the weigh-in was the day before the competition. So, he could drastically cut weight and dehydrate before weigh-in day then rehydrate back up to a more normal weight. Second, he found a rule that if you knock your opponent out of the circle 3 times they are disqualified and you win. He didn’t have to knock them out just off-balance them when they got close to the line. By focusing on a couple of simple techniques built into the rules he was able to win. You don’t change the game by playing the game harder you change the game by playing differently than everyone before you.

The American economy and tax laws have similar rules built in that when you utilize them in an international way they allow you to champion your personal finance and win with your money. You are about to discover a counter-intuitive and counter-cultural paradigm for building wealth, with less risk, less stress, less learning curve, fewer barriers to entry and opportunities for much greater success?

“After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill – the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill – you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember, all I’m offering is truth.”

-Morpheus said to Neo in the movie “The Matrix”

Are you ready for a journey down the >> Rabbit Hole? <<

FIRE – Financial Independence/Retire Early
Escape the 9-5
Financial Freedom
Personal Finance
Wealth Strategies
Lifestyle Design
Continuous Improvement
Tax Optimization Planning
Financial Coaching


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